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gang war (歹徒之間的)打群架;火拼。


Ah sou tells the extraordinary story of an innocent girl who becomes appointed successor to hong kong s ruling triad . this role becomes a double - edged sword for our young heroine , who is sucked into a maelstrom of vicious gang wars , hair - raising assassination attempts and ruthless power struggles and betrayals 百德一死,字頭群無首,驍勇善戰的大風黃秋生乘勢而起,豈料足智多謀的辰哥任達華飾卻說百德臨終前曾有囑咐,要把所有事務都交給菲比處理,由她統領社團,成為名正言順的阿嫂!

His description of the effects of gang war on ordinary people ( “ women stop wearing high heels ? too hard to run in them ” ) is masterly 本書作者描寫了于平民身上( “女人不再允許穿高跟鞋? ?這實在是很難的” )發生黑幫戰爭的種種影響,可謂精妙絕倫。

Biegen i maniac , easy death ; biegen i installed easily injured masterminds of gang wars you have not 別跟我狂,容易死亡;別跟我裝,容易受傷;群毆你沒人!

You ' re not aiming to start a gang war , are you , between the cahills and hutch 你不是故意想要煽動卡西爾的人和霍奇的人,起幫會爭斗吧,是不是?

An extended gang war quest . now involves going to the party tyler is at 延長了幫會戰爭的任務。現在可以介入東區的泰勒幫派了。 。是這意思吧。 。

Gang war over 綱多戰爭

Gang war over games 爆笑游戲美伊戰

Gang war over introduction 綱多戰爭游戲攻略

A gang war over los angeles ' illegal street - drug trade 洛杉磯街頭非法毒品交易系列案件中的又一起

Gang war over games - 4455 miniclip games 綱多戰爭小游戲- 4399小游戲

Cheer up , men , let ' s win the price of gang war 沒問題,兄弟們,把幫戰獎勵包了!